


The Savior of Your Beauty & Health

The Savior of Your Beauty & Health

Sushiyant derma biotech
Saoshiyant (Translated to plain English: Sushiyant) is a Avestan word which literally means “One who brings benefit
According to the Zoroastrian scripture and tradition, Sushiyant is the savior of the world who progressively brings about the final renovation… After years of research and development, we gather a team of professionals in different areas of dermatology, biotechnology, and chemistry to target the objective of helping damaged skins through presenting high-quality and advanced technologies. And, when it comes to the nomenclature, we refer to our Persian historical tradition and select the word sushiyant to save the damaged skin and bring back the beauty and health… That’s why we are Sushiyant, the savior of your beauty & health


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2024 . 04 . 11
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Trademarks are owned by Sushiyant Derma Biotech group.
Registered in Iran, Registration No.: 612054
Registered office: No.16, Mirhadi St., Jouybar St., Fatemi Sq
, Tehran, Iran

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